Monday, May 28, 2007


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Sorry for inconvenience

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Thursday, May 24, 2007


Earn 1860 Rs/Month by reading SMS Espress Yourself

My Weakness Types of Marketting

Winner of Puzzle_16 are:

1. Sathish Kulal (Aditi Software)
2. Sonal Vikram, Bangalore
3. ashwini kumar (e-mail ashwini9241)
4. Amita Singh, NIIT Technologies Ltd

Puzzle: A man leaves office daily at 7:00 pm. A driver with car comes from his home to pick him from office and bring back home. One day he gets free at 5:30 and instead of waiting for driver he starts walking towards home. In the way he meets the car and return home on car. He reaches home 20 min earlier than usual. In how much time does the man reach
home usually?

Send your answer to :

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All the Best

Earn 1860 Rs/Month by reading SMS

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Earn 1860 Rs/Month by reading SMS

Espress Yourself

Winner of Puzzle_15 are:
1. Sathish Kulal (Aditi Software)
2. Murali Kakarla (Bangalore)

3. Jacques De Schepper (AWS, Ghent)
4. Devya Agarwal (Nucleus technologies, Noida)

5. Sourabh Garg (Hydrabad)

Puzzle:You are given four integers 1, 3, 4 and 6. You have to get the number 24 by using each of them just once. You can use the operators +, - , x, / only and as many times as you want. Also use of brackets is permitted. This is a pure maths problem

Note: You can't use factorial, power, square root and any other mathematical operation.

Answer: I know all of you are waiting for the answer.....So answer is

6/(1-3/4) = 24

Imprtant: Winner's name will be published in the Puzzle_17..

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All the Best

Earn 1860 Rs/Month by reading SMS

Monday, May 21, 2007


Earn 1860 Rs/Month by reading SMS

Winner of Puzzle_14 are

1. Gidla Vinay (gidla_vinay_jc)
2. Sonal Vikram (Honeywell, Bangalore)
3. Vikas Agrawal (vikasonline82)
4. Devya Agarwal (Nucleus Technology Noida)
5. Priyalee Kushwaha (mail2pr)
6. Robby Goetschalckx (

Puzzle:- Two identical villages X & Y are located at different parts of a lonely stretch of countryside. All the residents of X are truthful, while Y has only liars. The residents of both village meets only at the annual fair, which may be held at either X or Y. You reach this fair going on at a village. You stop the first man you see.

What single, simplest question should you ask to know which village you are in?
(Note: Don’t use any if-else in your question)

Answer: There are a lot of possible answer of this quiz.
I am providing one the them

Question: Am I in your village?

If ans is 'Yes' then he is in X village
If ans is 'No' then he is in Y village

If i m in "X" village and the person i asked is from "X" village the ans will be "YES" and if person is from "Y" ans will be "YES"

If i m in "Y" village and the person i asked is from "X" village the ans will be "NO" and if person is from "Y" ans will be "NO

Solution provided by:
Sourabh Garg, Hydrabad

Imprtant:Send answer of Puzzle_15 top 10 right answer sender's name will be published on main page of
So send your answer quickly.

Process to send answer :- Send your answer along with your name and your college/City/Company name to

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All the Best

Earn 1860 Rs/Month by reading SMS

For readers

Earn 1860 Rs/Month by reading SMS

Hello friends

myself Sandeep owner of friends i am facing some problems, i would like to share it with you

1. Some of the group moderators don’t want me to inform you about my new puzzle through their groups.

So it’s a humble request to all of you please join my own group so that i can inform you regularly about my new puzzles and solutions.


2. I want suggestion from you that what you people wants to see or read on my website so that i can provide you whatever you want. Please tell me your choice through comments. Please comments so that i can improve my service.


Earn 1860 Rs/Month by reading SMS

Sunday, May 20, 2007


Winner of Puzzle_13 are

1. Nivriti gunjan (Nucleus Technology) Noida.
2. Devya Agarwal (Nucleus Technology) Noida.
3. Vikas Agrawal (NIT - Allahabad)
4. Ajit Athle (
5. Oscar A. Nawa, from Brasilia, Brazil.
6. Murali Kakarla (BEA Systems)

Earn 1860 Rs/Month by reading SMS

Puzzle: Take the letters ERGRO. Put three letters in front of it, and the same three letters behind to form a common English word.



Imprtant: Send answer of Puzzle_14 top 10 right answer sender's name will be published on main page of
so send your answer quickly.

Process to send answer
Send your answer along with your name and your college name at please add Puzzle_14 as subject.

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All the Best

Earn 1860 Rs/Month by reading SMS

Saturday, May 19, 2007


Earn 1860 Rs/Month by reading SMS

Winner of Puzzle_12 (There is only one winner)

vikas agrawal (email id: vikasonline82)

Puzzle: Priya & Parul are twins.
One of them lies while the other is truthful. I asked one of them, "Does Priya lie?" "Yes", was the answer.Did I speak to Priya or Parul?


1) Priya lies and Parul is thruthful. If I asked to Priya, the answer should be NO, because she lies. If I asked Parul, the answer should be YES, because she says the thruth.

2) Priya is thruthful and Parul lies. If I asked to Priya, the answer should be NO, because she tells the thruth. If I asked Parul, the answer should be YES, because she lies.

3) So, I did speak to Parul.

Solution by : Oscar A. Nawa, from Brasilia, Brazil.

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Earn 1860 Rs/Month by reading SMS

Thursday, May 17, 2007


Earn 1860 Rs/Month by reading SMS

Winner Of Puzzle_11 are:

Deepak Rajput , NOIDA
Sathish Kulal (Aditi Software)
Parag Goel (Hewitt Associates)
Manoranjan Mohanty (MCA, JNU - Delhi)
Rohit Batra (NIT- ALLAHABAD)
Loka Kalyan
Arpan Asthana (NIT ALLAHABAD)
Aditya Gupta (Himachal Pradesh)

(Solve this Puzzle and win I Pod....sorry actually solve this puzzle and I’ll publish your name on my website.)

Puzzle: Year on October 2, 2001, the date in MMDDYYYY format was a palindrome (same forwards as backwards).10/02/2001
When was the last date that this occurred on before year 2001?

(Hint: it was not happened in 1900 because for that day of the month would be 91 which is impossible)

Solution: We know the year has to be less than 2001 since we already have the palindrome for 10/02.

It can't be any year in 1900 because that would result in a day of 91. same for 1800 down to 1400. it could be a year in 1300 because that would be the 31st day. so whats the latest year in 1300 that would make a month?

At first we thought it would be 1321, since that would give us the 12th month, but we have to remember that we want the maximum year in the 1300 century with a valid month, which would actually be 1390, since 09/31 is a valid date.
but of course, and of course, there are not 31 days in september, only 30.

so we have to go back to august 08 which means the correct date would be 08/31/1380.

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Best of Luck

Earn 1860 Rs/Month by reading SMS

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Note :- Winner of Puzzle_11 will be announced in the next Puzzle ( Puzzle_12 )

Puzzle: What is the angle between the minute hand and the hour hand at 3:15 on an analog clock?

Solution: 12 hours on the clock make 360 deg.
so 1 hour is 30 deg.
The hour hand will be directly on the 3 when the minute hand is at 12 (3:00).
After 15 minutes or 1/4 of an hour, the hour hand
will be 1/4 * 30 deg = 7.5 deg.
away from the minute hand


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Puzzle_10 (Solve this and Win an IPod)

Todays Winner are

1. Sathish Kulal (
2. Manoranjan Mohanty (MCA - School of Computer and Systems Sciences - JNU)
3. Sourabh Garg - (Hydrabad)
4. sonal vikram

(Solve this and win an IPod.....just kidding friends....Solve the puzzle and i 'll publish your name on my website)

Four friends need to cross a bridge to get back to their home at night. Unfortunately, they only have one flashlight. The bridge is too dangerous to cross without a flashlight, and it’s only strong enough to support two people at any given time.

Each of the them walks at a different speed.
One can cross the bridge in 1 minute,
another in 2 minutes,
the third in 5 minutes,
and the fourth one takes 10 minutes to cross.
How much minimum time they will take to cross the bridge?


According to your question let A,B,C,D be the four friend who take 1,2,5,10 minutes to cross the bridge.


1) A and B go together to other end of bridge with flash light( time take = 2 minutes)
2) B remains there and A returns to the start point with flash light( Time taken = 1 minute)
3) C and D go together to other end of bridge with flash light( time taken = 10 minutes)
4) B returns to the start point with flash light(time taken=2 minutes)
5) Both A and B go to other end of bridge with flash light( time taken=2 minutes)
Total time taken = 2+1+10+2+2=17 minutes.

Solution by : Manoranjan Mohanty

Process to send answerSend your answer along with your name and your college name to

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Monday, May 14, 2007


Today's winner is :

Devi (VNRVJIT) (one right answer - CHENNAI)

Congr8s Devi

1. Cathy has six pairs of black socks and six pairs of white socks in her drawer.
In complete darkness, and without looking, how many socks must she take from the drawer in
order to be sure to get a pair that match?

Solution: 3 socks
Possible ways (combination)
1. All 3 Black
2. All 3 White
3. one black and two white
4. one white and two blak

2. "I am a 7 letter city...
my 234 is a bird..
61 is cool...
4713 is a way of saying good...4=5
Who am i ?

Answer is : CHENNAI

Sunday, May 13, 2007


1. A c-pole of 200ft is 250ft from the d-pole which is 150ft high..Two pigeons are sitting at the top of each poles(one in one pole)Both pigeon fly towards a grain which is present between the 2 polesat the same speed.what is the distance between the c-pole and the grain?

Answer: pole c is 200 ft.
pole d is 150 ft.
Dist b/w these poles is 250 ft.
Assume grain is place at dist x from pole c.
so that now the dist b/w c and d is x + (250-x)
now since the speed of the bird is same and they both reach at same time. The Dist travelled by them will be same. i.e., the hypotenues will be same.
So 200^2 + x^2 = 150^2 + (250-x)^2
solving this x = 90 ft.
Hence Dist b/w c-pole and grain is 90 ft.

2. A man had covered 2/3 of distance by cycling and remaining covered on feet. For this he took twice the time to the cycling. Find how much speed is greater for cycling than on feet?

Answer: Suppose distance is d,
cycling speed is v and foot speed is u
then 2*(2/3d)/v=(1/3d)/u => v=4u
So 4 times greater

Thursday, May 10, 2007


1. 40 cows graze a pasture in 40 days,30 cows graze the same pasture in 60 many days does 20 cows take to graze it.

Ans: 120 days.
Let 'x' be the amount of grazed by a cow per day,
Let 'y' be the growth rate of grass per day,
Let 'z' be the amount of grass present initially,
So, 40 cows can graze (40*x) amount of grass per day and (40*x*40) amount of grass for 40 days.
For 40 days, the growth of grass is (40*y)
So, (40*x*40) = (z + 40*y)
For 30 cows it takes 60 days, so,
(30*x*60) = (z + 60*y)
so, 1600x - 40y - z = 0 ----- 1
1800x - 60y - z = 0 ----- 2
Subtracting we get, 10x = y , Sub. 10x=y in 1 or 2, we get z = 120y or z = 1200x
For, 20 cows,
20*x*N = z + N*y
Sub, 10x=y and (z=120y or 1200x), we get N = 120
Therefore, for 20 cows it takes 120 days to graze.

2. A person from washington came to india.One evening at 6.00 p m he started walking at the speed of 40 km/hr andclimbed the slope at speed of 30 km/hr.From there he walked back to the source at the same speed at 9.00 p m.what is the distance he covered in one way.

Answer: 105 km
read the question carefully...
he starts his return journey at one way journey time is 3hrs
So the eqn becomes
avg spd =35kmph
x+y=35*3 =105

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


1. A person went to a shop and asked for change for 1.15paise. but he said that he could not only give change for one rupee. but also for 50p,25p,10p and 5p. what were the coins he had ?

5p=========> 4
10p========> 2
25p========> 1

2. There are 3 nurses and they work altogether only once in a week. no nurse is called to work for 3 consecutive days.
Nurse 1 is off on tueseday, thursday and Sunday.
Nurse 2 is off on Saturday.
Nurse 3 is off on Thursday, Sunday.
No two nurses are off more than once a week.
Find the day on which all the 3 nurses were on work.

Answer: Friday

All the Best

Monday, May 7, 2007


1. what is the 5 digit number which has only 2 prime numbers in it and satisfies the followingcondition.
a. 3rd digit is the largest
b. 2nd digit is the smallest
c. 1st digit is one less than the 3rd digit and greater than theaddition of 4th and 5th digit.
d. 5th digit is between the 1st and 2nd digit and half of the 4th digit.
1 is not considered as the prime number

2nd digit is the smallestso it must be 1.
3rd digit is the largestso it can be 9 and
the first digit is 8.
1st digit is greater than theaddition of 4th and 5th digit.
so it can be 1,2;2,1;3,4;4,3;2,3;3,2;2,4;4,2
but 5th digit is between the 1st and 2nd digit and
half of the 4th digit
so it can be 4 and 2 and so we should have 1 more prime no.
so the third digit cannot be 9 it should be 8 and the first digit is 7.
so the number is 71842.

2. (Most Difficult one)
What is the value of X,Y and Z?

Solution: Well, to get X+Y+Z = Z, we should have X and Y as O which is not possible, So if we take X and Y such that X + Y = 10, we can get X + Y + Z = Z, carry 1.

At the next stage, we should get (carry)1+X+Y+Z = X, so we have to choose Y and Z such that Y + Z = 9. So, 1+X+Y+Z = X, carry 1.

At the next stage also, 1+X+Y+Z = X, carry 1.
At the final stage we have to get, 1+X+Y+Z = YX. Since, 1+X+Y+Z gives the value X and carry 1 we get the value fo Y as 1.

Sunday, May 6, 2007


1. A father is talking with his son about his fat's age. He said that "My father was 8 yr at the X power 2 year. ". "Dont confuse boy , it was 20 th century". What is the yr boy's GF born.

Solution: Granpa was borned in 20 th century i.e 1900-2000 When he was 8 Yrs old then the year was square of a number X. Since only the square of number 44 is the number that defines the year in between 1900 and 2000 and its 1936. Since the granpa of boy was 8 yrs old so the original year of birth will be 1928.

2. There r some groups and lodges. And there have given some conditions. Depending onthis we have to find how many lodges and how many men in each group.
1. Each person belongs to exactly 2 lodges.
2. One loge is associated with exactly 3 members
3. Any pair of lodges consists of exactly one common person from a group.

Solution: Suposs L denotes lodges and P denotes persons then L1 has P1,P2,P3 L2 has P1,P4,P5 L3 has P2,P4,P6 L4 has P3,P5,P6 so ans is 4 lodges and 6 person

3. In a county , the basketball tournament was succeeded by Doubly eliminating process. If one team loses two matches , it will be disqualified] so if there are 51 teams then what will be the max no of matches.

Solution :
It is n + (n-1) , in this case n is 51. Here is the explanation: say it is like a playoff tournament (each team is allowed to enter next round if it wins) then between 2 teams to decide a winner we play 1 game, if there are 3 teams we need to play 2 games, if it is 4 teams then 3 games and so on...
but since here it is two losses that disqualifies a team, and we are considering the maximum possible (worst case scenario) , if there are 2 teams and each team wins 1 game, then the third game is the decider, similarly if there are 3 teams, allow each team to play with all the other teams once first (3 games, which means 3 wins and 3 loses) lets assume each team 1 game and lost 1 (this results in the worst case scenario again) and during the second iteration, two games are enough ( 2 wins, 2 loses) and we have a winner here ....
hence the final answer is n + (n-1)

Thursday, May 3, 2007


1. Three friends divided some bullets equally. After all of them shot 4 bullets the total no. of remaining bullets is equal to that of one has after division. Find the original number divided.
Solution: Let the no of Bullet be X,
There are 3 divided equally each have X/3 bullets.
then 4 bullets shot By each the no of bullet shoted is 4*3=12
then the remaining bullet = the bullet of a person

2. There are 3 societies a, b, and c. A lent tractors to B and C as many as they had. After some time B gave as many tractors to A and C as many as they have. After sometime c did the same thing. At the end of this transaction each one of them had 24. Find the tractors each originally had.

Answer: A had 39, B had 21, C had 12,

3. there are six cards in which it has two king cards. all cards are turned down and two cards are openeda) what is the possibility to get at least one king.b) what is the possibility to get two kings.

Answer a - 0.5
b - 1/3

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


1. Everything Mr Red owns is red, he lives in a red bungalow and his chairs are red, his tables are red. His ceiling, walls and floor are all red. All of this clothes are red, his shoes are red, even his carpet, television and phone are red. What colour are his stairs?

Answer: He doesn't have any stairs because he lives in a bungalow!

2. Can you find something which has keys that open no locks, with space but no room, and allows you to enter but not to go in?

Answer: A keyboard

3. A farmer buys a horse for $60. He sells it to his neighbour for $70. Then he discovers he could have made a better deal. He borrows $10 from his wife, and buys the horse back for $80. He then sells it to another neighbour for $90. How much money did he make?

Answer: The farmer ended up with $90.
The total he had was: $60 + $10 from his wife == $70. $90 - $70 = $20 dollars profit.

4. What has a neck, but no head?
Answer: a bottle.

5. A farmer is standing on one side of the river and with him are a wolf, a goat and a box with cabbages. In the river there is a small boat. The farmer wants to cross the river with all the three items who are with him. There are no bridges and in the boat there is only room for the farmer and one item. But if he leaves the goat with the cabbages alone on one side of the river the goat will eat the cabbages. If he leaves the wolf and the goat on one side the wolf will eat the goat. Only the farmer can seperate the wolf from the goat and the goat from the cabbage.How can the farmer cross the river with all three items, without one eating the other ?

Answer: First the farmer takes the goat across the river. He goes back to pick up the wolf. When he is across he leaves the wolf and takes back the goat. Back on the other side he leaves the goat and takes the cabbages with him. Then he picks up the goat and all three items are on the other side.


1. Which word in the English language is most often pronounced incorrectly?

Answer: word 'incorrectly!'

2. What occurs twice in a lifetime, but once in every year. Twice in a week but never in a day?

Answer: The letter 'E'

3. Many years ago, befor modern educashun in the new millenium, one problem in skools was baseic speeling and grammer. To conbat this and rays acheivement, teechers were adviced to start at the very begining, at the yungest age. Once they had managed to breath new life into leessons, progres came quickly - sucess was then garanteed. How many speeling errors would modern skolars identify in this paragraph?

Answer: Many years ago, before modern education in the new millennium, one problem in schools was basic spelling and grammar. To combat this and raise achievement, teachers were advised to start at the very beginning, at the youngest age. Once they had managed to breathe new life into lessons, progress came quickly - success was then guaranteed. How many spelling errors would modern scholars identify in this paragraph?

4. Mr and Mrs Haines have three daughters and each daughter has two brothers. How many children do Mr and Mrs Haines have?

Answer: 5; three daughters and two sons.

5. Which word, if pronounced right, is wrong, but if pronounced wrong is right?

Answer: Word 'Wrong'